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That depends on your training style and the amount of time you have. Remember, although this course is offered in different formats (online, in an editable document, and in an audiotape series) the information is nearly identical. Here's more information on each format. We take Mastercard, Visa, or American Express right here on a secure area of our site, using the most advanced encryption technology available today.

Online version US$25 per month
We have 10 chapters containing nearly 100 pages of information located in a password-protected area of our website. Keep in mind that this is not a course on how to sell online advertising for a newspaper's website, rather a course on selling traditional print newspaper advertising that happens to be available online.

For $25, we'll give you access for a month, which should be plenty of time to get a new hire up and running. Unique to the online program are interactive tests at the end of each chapter, where participants are quizzed on the critical points discussed. Another advantage is that participants can work through the course at their own pace, anywhere there's a computer with web access. Some newspapers will even direct their soon-to-be salespeople to our site after an offer is made but before the new hires actually start, so they're selling from day one.

Editable QuarkXpress or Word document US$50
Sure, our program works extremely well as a standalone course, but some newspapers would like to build their own training manual for new hires with more of their own specifics in it. That's why you can also buy our course in either QuarkXpress or Word format, ready for you to edit and make your own in no time. It'll save you weeks of work you could be spending on other things. Besides, don't you have better things to do than explain the difference between circulation and readership, how to scale artwork, and why everyone says your rates are too high?

Audiocassette tape series US$100
We recognize the fact that sometimes you need even the newest salesperson out on the road even before they're trained. This audiotape series is designed for salespeople who are on the move, so while they're running around dropping off proofs and picking up checks, they're learning at the same time.

This series is also appropriate for any trainer who believes that hearing the material is more effective than reading from a manual.