Our Basic Newspaper Advertising Sales Course

Ad sales training to help you to start selling fast in your new territory
This is a sample showing just the first four chapters of this course. Buy the full course here starting at $59 
© 2015 Robert McInnis Consulting


Ad Layout: Keying Copy

Now go back to your layout sheet.


Using the remaining blank space on the layout sheet around the outside of the ad you previously sketched, indicate where the copy 'A' you labeled on the copy sheet is to go on your layout by writing the letter 'A' outside the border of the ad but near where copy 'a' is to go, and drawing a line to the exact position you'd like the type to appear. Take a look at our example of this. Keep keying up the copy from the copy sheet to the layout sheet until you've accounted for all the copy.


Next: Keying art



ABOUT THIS SITE  |  This site is the home of Bob McInnis' Response Oriented Selling newspaper ad sales training program. It also shares a number of insights as well as offers a basic new hires program for brand new ad reps just looking to stabilize their territory.


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©2015 Robert McInnis Consulting

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